About Us

About Us

Our Story

Cascade Neural Network was kind of a joke until we found out that the .com TLD was available. BAM! we snagged it. Its all in the history books.

CNN is the top level of a series of e-commerce websites. Our humble beginnings started in Everett with TCS Web Hosting. We had built a successful FSBO website for homeowners that were trying to save the Huge Commissions from being sucked away from greedy real estate deals back before the Stock Market attempt to commit suicide by selling un-realistic financing. blah blah blah We lost our asses since we were sub-prime loan officers, and I was trying to build a second income stream with Web development. I had spent 10 years at Microsoft as a gig worker mostly on Internet Explorer so I could see the potential, hell who couldn’t but taking the initiative to break away from the day to day was like creating an implosion in your brain at least the thinking was different before the dot.com bust. We have experience, we are seasoned professionals that have been around the block and are willing to go that extra mile or minute to create the perfect beast.

We are driven by values

You can’t go out the door without being flooded by huskters and sales opportunities. We would like to keep it low stream and steady where we establish value, honor and trust.


We have the perfect statf who are on
who are on call and ready to tackle the
smallest to the largest projects

Deeply Committed

With a number of years’ experience, we have
have developed a sincere devotion to the job.

Highly Skilled

We have over 60 years of experience, but the internet has only been out 25 odd years We spread that experience over 5 top level Execs who approve of every job.

Fred Dugas


Alfred Dugas

Developer & Technology Guru

Julia Castillo

Client Service